Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What About Afghanistan?

Every American was hit hard by 9/11 in 2001. The unimaginable happened to our great county and no one was expecting it. For once the security of the United States was threatened on our homeland, just as it was after Pearl Harbor. But, where is the War taking place today? Iraq. It seems as though the Bush administration looked over the fact that these terrorist attacks were lead by Osama Bin laden, from Afghanistan. Instead of invading Afghanistan to find this horrible man, US troops were sent to Iraq for seemingly no reason.
Over the last 5 years hundreds of thousands of troops have been sent to Iraq. The number has significantly dropped since 2005, but, the war is still not over in Iraq. Troops were of course sent to Afghanistan as well, but, the numbers don't seem significant considering the fear Bin Laden established in our country.
Due to the lack of acknowledgment by the Bush administration i am very interested in the views that the presidential candidates of 2008 and the republican and democratic parties in general take on the Afghanistan issue. especially since I'm an American that feels that if the US should be involved in a war anywhere it should be Afghanistan.


Energy4tomorrow said...

Well Afghanistan seems to finally be getting the attention it deserves after being ignored by the current administration. Things got pretty heated between Biden and Palin during the debate last night when they discussed strategy in Afghanistan. I'd really like to know if Biden was correct when he claimed that General McKeirnan, the top commander in Afghanistan, said that the troop surge strategy employed in Iraq would not work in Afghanistan, which appears to be the McCain/Palin preferred strategy for Afghanistan. Palin claimed that McKiernan (although she incorrectly referred to him as "McClellan") did not say that. This is one of those instances where, as a viewer of the debate, I found myself just shaking my head. One of them has to be right and one of them has to be wrong on this issue. Wouldn't it be fascinating to have a fact-checker during the debates, who could verify who was correct in real time?
Although I definitely believe our efforts should be focused on Afghanistan, and possibly Pakistan, I really wonder how we can address either with such large numbers of troops in Iraq and our growing deficit. Even under the Obama plan for Iraq, the troops will remain in Iraq in the short-term (I believe it's somewhere around 16 months, but I'm not sure), and under the McCain plan, who knows how long they'll be there. In my opinion, we are in a very vulnerable position, unable to deal with the real threats in Afghanistan and Pakistan, because of the bad judgement to invade Iraq based on flawed intelligence information regarding weapons of mass destruction.

American Blogger said...

This blog is addressing a prime issue we are facing. It's good that you point out 9/11 is the first attack on our soil since Pearl Harbor. Being from New York, although i was young at the time i vividly remember the day and the image will never leave my mind. I feel as if military is wasting its time in Iraq and we're leaving ourselves vulnerable to future attacks. What happens if one of the many country that hates us develops nukes and prepares an attack on us, will we be ready?