Monday, October 6, 2008

From the Bush Administration to a new Administration

Shortly After 9/11 President Bush sent troops into Afghanistan on October 7, 2001. He sent these troops with the goal to target the known bases of Al Qaeda and attempt to weaken the Taliban. It is evident that he was dedicated to finding Osama Bin Laden and seemed determined to provide some justice to America for 9/11. But, when He decided to invade Iraq in 2003 the focus was no longer on the war occurring in Afghanistan. All of a sudden anti-war activists were focused on the Iraq war and Afghanistan was left to the shadows.
Now that we are preparing for a new administrations the sun is starting to shine on Afghanistan again. I realized due to all the debates and interviews that we have had troops in Afghanistan for 7 years, and don't seem to be making any progress in our goal: to find Osama Bin Laden. When asked about this issue Obama and McCain have very different things to say.
Obama has been against the war in Iraq from the very beginning of it. Now that he is campaigning for Presidency he is making it clear to Americans that he supports a 16-month withdrawal plan from Iraq. Obama also makes it clear that he has not forgotten about Afghanistan and feels that our focus should be there. He even suggested increasing troops in Afghanistan when he met with General David Petraeus, who formerly was top American General of the Iraq war and now leads central command.
McCain also had a meeting with General Petraeus and claims that he would let Petraeus have the 'flexibility' he asks for concerning the time line of withdrawing from Iraq. Since day one McCain has supported the war in Iraq. He agrees that we need to work toward a 'stable peace' as he makes clear in his speech to the Republican Convention. But, he is against a withdrawal plan. He views the outcome of the war as key to fighting terrorism in the middle east, but, Iraq is not where this terrorist attack came from. McCain even encourages pressure on other middle eastern states like Syria and Iran. His views make me nervous for the future of America if he wins this election. He claims he wants a 'stable peace'. Then turns around and throws out other countries he feels should be 'pressured'.

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