Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Even the Police???

An LA Times Newspaper article published on October 17th discusses the death of yet another US soldier in Afghanistan at the hand of a police officer. This is the second incident of a Afghan police officer killing a US soldier in the last month. This incident is rightly raising the paranoia that the Taliban and or Al Qaeda has begun to influence the police. Especially since both of these incidents occurred in towns close to the border of Pakistan. If this hypothesis is proven it could lead to major set backs for the US troops. Training the Afghanistan police and army is a big part of their strategy in fighting the Taliban.

1 comment:

Ivan Kweku said...

Thats a bit ridiculous. I would like to know what happened to the incompetent officers because it is one issue to misfire a gun and scare a few people but it becomes a completely different case when people who are alleged allies turn on each other.