Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Time Has Come

I am confident that he will make the right decisions pertaining to the Afghanistan situation. He has already announced his views on this issue and he agrees that Afghanistan needs to be the focus.

With that said this is such a beautiful thing for me to witness as a young African- American and caucasion individual. I can only imagine how he feels to be the first multi-racial president of the united States. I'm proud that we were strong enough as a country to embrace this. I wasn't sure we were ready but, i guess we are.

What have i gained from this?

When i first started this blog i knew little to nothing about the Afghanistan issue. To be quite honest i didn't even know that we had troops in Afghanistan for as long as we have. Now i feel like i am way more educated on the topic, and have enough knowledge about it to hold my own opinion on the matter. While blogging i have tried to look at both sides of the arguments and have even followed blogs run by soldiers and Afghanistan citizens. But, i feel that if we should be in any war it should be in Afghanistan where the terrosism of 9/11 stemmed from. It is apparent in my blog posts that i don't agree with the Iraq war and support the change in focus from Iraq to Afghanistan. But, i want it to be clear that we should not just abandon Iraq, we have to finish what we started in both regions, but, now is the time to intensify action in Afghanistan. Especially with evidence of Al Qaeda rebuilding their troops in Pakistan.

I'm glad that i picked this issue to focus on in my blog. It was a significant issue focused on by both Obama and McCain in this election period. The 2008 election brought this issue to the surface once again and made me realize how important the outcome of the war in Afghanistan actually is to us. The war on terrorism started when Osama Bin Laden from Afghanistan organized the attack on the US. We need to find him and we need to eliminate him and his terrorist group as a threat to our country. I think it's important to be educated about the issues apparent in your government. Especially those that have the potential to affect the lives of our generation directly and dangerously. I now feel educated enough to voice my opinion on the issue. This project has enabled me to realize that we need to do something in Afghanistan.